Nutrition Programs

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Nutrition Programs

Nutrition Education programming at Second Harvest is driven by our mission to feed people in need through empowerment, education and partnerships.

Our Core Values help define the scope of our programming:
  • Welcome everyone
  • Embrace learning and new ways of doing things
  • Improve continuously
  • Simplify everything
  • Let’s Get Cooking 

The Kitchen Programs


Kitchen Lab
Kitchen Lab

Kitchen Lab 

Kitchen Lab field trips for children at Second Harvest feature interactive workshops including produce tastings, cooking demonstrations and hands-on activities that teach kids how to prepare and cook simple, nutritious recipes that contribute to better health and reduced obesity. If you are an educator or school aged child leader and interested in bringing a field trip to The Kitchen, please email Carolyn at or call at (509) 252-6256. 


     Cooking Classes
Cooking Classes

Community Cooking Classes

We offer classes that teach scratch-cooking and quick healthy snack preparation. Community Cooking Classes are no-cost and designed to serve people facing hunger. Participants may receive distributions of produce and other free groceries that are tied to the recipes and curriculum. Please view our Kitchen Facility page for more information about the kitchen space and our Calendar Of Events Page to sign up.


Hunger to Health
Partner Programming

Partner Programming 

We provide regular access to health and nutrition education partners so they can hold classes, test recipes and conduct other activities that are geared toward disadvantaged children, families and seniors. Please email Carolyn Negley at or reach her by phone at (509) 252-6256 for more information. 

Train the Trainers
Train the Trainers

Training of Trainers 

The participants will be leaders of partner food pantries, congregate meal sites, Head Start programs, high-need schools, after school programs, healthcare agencies and other volunteers serving people in poverty. Some of these volunteers will be recruited to facilitate community cooking demonstrations. Please email Carolyn at or reach her by phone at (509) 252-6256 for more information. 

Nutrition Ambassadors
Nutrition Ambassadors






Mobile Market





Healthy Pantry

Nutrition Ambassadors

Nutrition Ambassadors are volunteers trained by Second Harvest staff to facilitate a peer-to-peer program focused on cooking demonstrations, teaching nutrition guidelines, reading nutrition labels, emphasizing fruit and vegetable consumption, reducing consumption of sugary foods, and increased physical activity. Lessons are delivered at off-site locations, in The Kitchen, and as an accompaniment to mobile markets. If you are interested in volunteering for this program please email Carolyn at or by phone at (509) 252-6256.

Mobile Market

Second Harvest's Mobile Markets make emergency food supplies more accessible to people facing hunger in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. It's a simple concept that makes a big impact on struggling households. Second Harvest fills a refrigerated truck or mobile bus with food, including fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat, bread, cereal and other staples, and takes it to a high-need neighborhood or community. Click HERE for a list of upcoming Mobile Markets. Click HERE to sponsor a Mobile Market.

Healthy Pantry Project

Nutrition Educators increase pantries’ capacity to distribute more fresh produce, support them in recipe sampling, and help them make the healthy choice the easy choice for their clients. If you are a Second Harvest food pantry and interested in having a member of the Nutrition Education team work with you on setting up the Healthy Pantry model, please email Elias Piña at or by phone at (509) 252-6268.